Sunday, June 19, 2016

EDTECH 512: Reading Summary # 9

Article 9:  Conrad, R., & Donaldson, J. A. (2011, March 23). Engaging the online learner: Activities and resources for creative instruction (pp. 81-91). (Vol. 38). John Wiley & Sons.

In this chapter, Conrad and Donaldson outline some reflective activities that can be used during different stages of an online program.
  • Aha! – Ongoing activity where the learners share transformative experiences
  • Bumper Sticker – At the end of the course learners reflect on their experience in the class and sum this up in 10 words or less
  • Critical Insight – Activity in the middle of the course that provides learners with an opportunity to explore an area of interest
  • I Didn’t Know That – During the middle of the course this discussion activity asks learners to share something new they have learned in the program
  • Insights, Resource Sharing, and Applications (IRAs) – Activity at the beginning of course modules that encourages learners to actively delve into the content and share knowledge and insights
  • More Words to Lead By – This activity can be used throughout a course to provide a break from the content.  It could be a positive story, poem, or fun activity.
  • Picture – Activity for the end of the course that asks learners in a group to find or create an image that represents a part or whole of the course content and to express how their view of the image has changed during the course.
  • Summary Words – Asks learners at the end of the course to reflect on completed class and identify a word or expression that represents their experience in the class.

I like how these reflective activities go beyond the standard journal of reflections, but approaches it in a more creative way.  The selection of the reflection activity needs to be balanced with other activities and assessments in each module as you would not want to load learners down with a labor intensive reflective activity with a similar or equally challenging activity or assessment.

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