Monday, June 13, 2016

EDTECH 512: Reading Summary #2

Article 2:  Caplan, D., & Graham, R. (2004). The development of online courses. Theory and practice of online learning, 175.

In this article, Caplan and Graham explore the development of online courses and the changing landscape of what this entails and means for students and educators.  They indicate that online learning has moved from the traditional posting of readable materials on the web, to an interactive approach where participants learn from the interaction with others who have a shared common interest.  As such the role of the instructor has changed as well.  the use of technology to support this interaction requires skills beyond those for teaching in a classroom setting.  Teachers now are facilitators and administrators of the holistic learning environment and must not only understand new ways of teaching but also new technology.  Where once they may have designed a program with a colleague, now a whole project team is required to design and implement an online learning program.  This project team of specialists, such as web developers, programmers and graphic designers, now play a role in the design and development of online programs.  It's not just about the content anymore, it's the content plus the learning environment.  The authors conclude that developing effecting online programs depends on collaboration, careful planning and specialists being involved in all aspects of the training design.  I agree with the authors that the development of online learning has changed and is still changing.  Unfortunately most companies are still behind in their ability to keep up with the technology available due to intellectual property concerns.  And really most content owners just want to post a PowerPoint deck into an LMS.  Yes they don't understand how this impacts the larger and their experience with the training content.  Developers are handed content and told to get it into an LMS in tight timeframes from leaders who don't understand the complexities of designing something that will be effective and engaging to the learner.  The paradigm shift not only has to be for teachers but also corporate leaders to understand their learning functions and how a learning might interact and perceive the training program.

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