Sunday, June 19, 2016

EDTECH 512: Reading Summary # 8

Article 8: Shank, P. (2011, July 26). The online learning idea book: Proven ways to enhance technology-based and blended learning (pp. 149-152, 235-240, 250-252). (P. Shank) (Vol. 2). John Wiley & Sons.

Reduce OnScreen Text – David Anderson
In this chapter, Anderson shows ways of reducing the amount of text in narrated self-paced courses.  Typically online courses often have too much text for learners to easily consume and understand, and also have the narrator repeating exactly what is written on the screen.  Because the narration provides context to what is on the screen, this means that less and the most crucial information can just be displayed on the screen to highlight the main points for learners to know and understand.  The author also indicates another way to reduce the amount of text on a screen is to use a graphic that illustrates the concept or information.  Progressive reveals or animations can also help to reduce text on a screen as only the information being narrated would display for the learner. 

This is a constant struggle with many Subject Matter Experts who want to make sure they are bombarding learners with information, yet don’t understand how adult learners actually learn and retain information.  Reducing the amount of text on a screen does mean designers need to be more creative, however, the pay off is an interactive and engaging online program that learners will be happy to view. 

Who Are You?  Alternative Online Meet-and-Greet Tactics – Joanna Dunlap
In this chapter, Dunlap shows ways of creating different meet and greet interactions other than the traditional sharing of a learner’s biography.  Some alternatives the author suggests are getting learners to create a playlist about songs that represent their past, present and future.  Another is to share superhero monikers and powers that help them in their lives, or creating an animated avatar, or virtual photo album, or using word clouds or music videos. 

Some of the ideas presented by the author also help the learner to think about themselves differently than just their resume.  I especially like the superhero idea and the virtual photo album as they ask learners to be more creative which in a corporate setting is not always part of their regular role and therefore something different and interesting to undertake.

Lose the Worn-Out Images, Up the Creativity – Dave Anderson
In this chapter, Anderson looks at the overuse of images especially in corporate online courses.  The author suggests the use of more playful images that represent the same message.  For example replacing a thumbs up image with a fist bump image that is more modern and fun.  Depending on the circumstance, introducing some playful images will create more interesting trainings.  However, in some settings these playful images may not be appropriate.  Anderson suggests looking at the advertising industry for inspiration and how to look at different ways of presenting content rather than the standard dull images that have been overused.

Over the years there has even been an evolution from clip art and word art for text.  To me the use of these usually indicates the age of the designer and their limited experience in designing online courses.  In our company we have an image library that marketing has selected and contains approved images that can be used in marketing materials, reports and online trainings.  However, we are always searching for more than is available because of the different concepts we want to present.  This though allows all of our resources to be consistent across the company.  And yes…clip art is banned! 

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