Sunday, April 23, 2017

EDTECH 513: Project #8: Worked Example

This week for our EDTECH 513 project we had to create a worked example video using software of our choice.  This project had to include a faded worked example so learners could have the opportunity to respond to the content and to assist with far learning.
I had originally wanted to complete this project on another topic and using Articulate, but once I started mapping it out I realized that I would not have enough time to complete it the way I wanted.  So instead I decided to show how to edit an image using Apple Photo and use Camtasia to capture the screen images.
To complete the project I mapped out my script and what would be shown on the screen.  Because I know that trying to follow a script and also doing a screen capture at the same time is a challenge I decided to record smaller sections so it gave me the ability to edit more efficiently.  For the headings I  recorded the audio on Audacity and imported the audio files.  And I recorded the screen capture and audio sections using Camtasia.  I decided not to include any additional audio tracks such as background music as I felt that might be too much of a distraction to the learner.
I enjoyed working on this project as I love using Camtasia and Audacity as they are so easy to use.  The only thing I wasn't truly happy with was that for the faded example I wasn't able to incorporate true interactivity into the training which was the original reason why I had wanted to use Articulate.  

Link to Worked Example video

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