Saturday, April 8, 2017

EDTECH 513: Project #6 - Digital Story

This week for our EDTECH 513 project we had to create a digital story using a video tool.  I chose to use Camtasia to produce my digital story as I have used it previously and found it an easy and intuitive tool to use.  The topic of my digital story was one of my favorite subjects: Australia!  Being born and raised in Australia I will take any opportunity to let others know about my home country and encourage people to go and visit.  Whenever I meet new people and they learn I'm from Australia the most common statement people make are that they would love to visit Australia...of course I tell them to go for it!

To create this digital story I first decided on the topics to cover and then wrote out a script.  I decided to provide a high level overview of Australia including size and how it was discovered and colonized.  To create a little drama I highlighted the unique and dangerous animals that inhabit this country, but that despite some of the perils, the Australian people are friendly and worth meeting.  I then selected images to enhance what was being talked about in the script.  I then recorded the voiceover for each of the different sections using Audacity so that I could easily add in the files and edit them as needed.  I then imported all of my images and synced to the voiceover.  To add some interest I added in an audio track in the background that featured the didgeridoo which is a native Australian instrument.  Once everything was checked I published to youtube and added in the captioning from the script I had used to record the voiceover.

In applying the personalization principle to the design of this project, I used informal, conversational language in the voiceover.  I incorporated the use of 'you' in the script to make it more personal for the learner.  I also focussed on making the tone of my voice sound friendly and not monotone so as to engage the learner.

Link to Digital Story

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