Tuesday, April 25, 2017

EDTECH 513: Project #9 - eLearning strategies in F2F Classrooms

This week for EDTECH 513 we had to write a short paper about one eLearning strategy we could apply to a face to face classroom.  This semester we have learned about so many relevant strategies but the ones that really stood out to me were the modality and coherence principles.  So many times in my work I've seen presentations that are incredibly boring and dry because they violate these two principles.  Not only could these principles aid any classroom training developed by Learning and Development departments in companies, but also anyone who is using a presentation to communicate to others.  

Link to eLearning strategies in F2F Classrooms

Sunday, April 23, 2017

EDTECH 513: Project #8: Worked Example

This week for our EDTECH 513 project we had to create a worked example video using software of our choice.  This project had to include a faded worked example so learners could have the opportunity to respond to the content and to assist with far learning.
I had originally wanted to complete this project on another topic and using Articulate, but once I started mapping it out I realized that I would not have enough time to complete it the way I wanted.  So instead I decided to show how to edit an image using Apple Photo and use Camtasia to capture the screen images.
To complete the project I mapped out my script and what would be shown on the screen.  Because I know that trying to follow a script and also doing a screen capture at the same time is a challenge I decided to record smaller sections so it gave me the ability to edit more efficiently.  For the headings I  recorded the audio on Audacity and imported the audio files.  And I recorded the screen capture and audio sections using Camtasia.  I decided not to include any additional audio tracks such as background music as I felt that might be too much of a distraction to the learner.
I enjoyed working on this project as I love using Camtasia and Audacity as they are so easy to use.  The only thing I wasn't truly happy with was that for the faded example I wasn't able to incorporate true interactivity into the training which was the original reason why I had wanted to use Articulate.  

Link to Worked Example video

Sunday, April 16, 2017

EDTECH 513: Project #7 - Google Slides Presentation

This week for our EDTECH 513 project we had to create a Google Slides presentation based on our text book readings on worked examples.  This project gave us the opportunity to incorporate the previous principles we have learned over the course of the semester into a static presentation.  I had not used Google Slides before so I was excited to be able to figure out how to construct a presentation using this tool.  I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to use and how similar to Microsoft Powerpoint it functioned.  
To complete this presentation I first drafted a storyboard outlining what would be included in the speaker notes and the corresponding graphics and text to use on the screen.  I had initially started to include a bit of text, but then challenged myself to really use only graphics on the screen in order to reduce cognitive load on the learner.  I also tried to incorporate the personalization principle by writing the script as if the learner was an instructional designer.  After producing the storyboard for the presentation I then went into Google Slides and entered in the speaker notes.  I searched www.icons8.com in order to find all of the graphics used in the presentation.
If there was more time available I probably would have looked at the functionality within Google Slides to record narration and add in animations so that as the narration talks to a particular item, the corresponding graphic/s would also display.  I think this would make it more engaging for the learner.
Overall, I found this project to be quite fun to develop and would definitely consider using Google Slides for other projects.

Link to Google Slides Presentation

Saturday, April 8, 2017

EDTECH 513: Project #6 - Digital Story

This week for our EDTECH 513 project we had to create a digital story using a video tool.  I chose to use Camtasia to produce my digital story as I have used it previously and found it an easy and intuitive tool to use.  The topic of my digital story was one of my favorite subjects: Australia!  Being born and raised in Australia I will take any opportunity to let others know about my home country and encourage people to go and visit.  Whenever I meet new people and they learn I'm from Australia the most common statement people make are that they would love to visit Australia...of course I tell them to go for it!

To create this digital story I first decided on the topics to cover and then wrote out a script.  I decided to provide a high level overview of Australia including size and how it was discovered and colonized.  To create a little drama I highlighted the unique and dangerous animals that inhabit this country, but that despite some of the perils, the Australian people are friendly and worth meeting.  I then selected images to enhance what was being talked about in the script.  I then recorded the voiceover for each of the different sections using Audacity so that I could easily add in the files and edit them as needed.  I then imported all of my images and synced to the voiceover.  To add some interest I added in an audio track in the background that featured the didgeridoo which is a native Australian instrument.  Once everything was checked I published to youtube and added in the captioning from the script I had used to record the voiceover.

In applying the personalization principle to the design of this project, I used informal, conversational language in the voiceover.  I incorporated the use of 'you' in the script to make it more personal for the learner.  I also focussed on making the tone of my voice sound friendly and not monotone so as to engage the learner.

Link to Digital Story