Saturday, February 22, 2014

RSS in Education

Our assignment for week 5 was to produce a tutorial about RSS and how you might use RSS in a learning environment.  Coming from a corporate environment I focused on how my team might be able to incorporate RSS as part of our learning programs and resources.

Developing the tutorial was a challenge as learning how to use Camtasia was not intuitive, so I’m thankful for the helpful tutorials TechSmith offers.  I also wanted to use some of the editing features a bit too much and had to tone it down so that whoever viewed my tutorial didn’t feel sick. 

This was a fun project, and one that challenged me to write out a script rather than doing things on the fly as I normally do when I conduct online training or develop eLearning.  I have a new appreciation for video editors, as working with Camtasia showed me how much is actually involved in producing even a short video.

I enjoyed this week’s assignment and hope to be able to use Camtasia again for other projects. 

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