Saturday, February 1, 2014


G'day, my name is Andrea Adera and this is my learning log for the Masters in Educational Technology degree at Boise State University.  The purpose of this log will be to share ideas, artifacts and record my experience as I progress through this program.  I look forward to learning new skills, discovering new ways to apply technology to education, and most of all getting to know my fellow classmates.

Originally from Australia, I'm now living in sunny south Texas and working for a global consulting firm as a Senior Learning and Development Specialist.  When I'm not working I like to cook and entertain friends.

I'm looking forward to reflecting on this log as I near the end of my degree to see all of the amazing things I have learned as part of this program.  I'm excited about the journey this degree will take me on and hope you will join me on the path every now and then.


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