Sunday, February 9, 2014

Elements of Educational Technology

Elements of Educational Technology

The assignment this week was to read the definition of Educational Technology by the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT).  Within this definition the AECT also outlined thirteen key elements that support this definition, of which we had to select three we felt were most important to this subject.  I found selecting just three elements challenging as all elements are important, so I decided to focus on those elements I believe are most important in a corporate setting, and specifically the corporate setting in which I work.  In my corporate world the elements of Use, Appropriate and Resources are of greatest importance at the moment.

Reading this paper confirmed to me that Educational Technology is a complex subject and it is always evolving.  Just when you think you have it defined another innovation will come along that redefines this subject.  I found it interesting to note this paper was drafted in 2004, and I wondered how the impact of social media will change the definition of Educational Technology in 2014 and beyond.

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