Saturday, February 11, 2017

EDTECH 513: Sketchnote

Multimedia Principle Sketchnote

This week for our project in EDTECH 513 we had to create a Sketchnote on a topic based on our text book readings.   I chose to create a Sketchnote on the Multimedia Principle.
We were given the option to create our sketchnote using different apps available on apple and android devices.  I started to create my sketchnote using the Sketchbook Xpress app. Unfortunately I only have an iPad mini and I do not have a stylus, so this proved to be a challenge trying to use this app with my finger.  I also found it challenging as I'm left handed and I find it hard to see and get the lines and text where I want them to be.  So in the end I started creating my sketchnote using pencil and paper.  After I created my draft I then went over the pencil lines using felt tip markers in different colors to highlight important words and create images.  Unfortunately I'm not a very good artist so my drawings are very basic.  I then scanned my sketchnote and adjusted the contrast of the image.
I enjoyed the exercise of creating the sketchnote.  It forced me to really focus on the key points of the topic, which relates back to how we should be designing any presentations.  It also was fun to be a little creative and to think about different ways to represent different concepts.  I can see how this would be useful when given a large text heavy presentation to turn into an eLearning as it would allow you to note the key points and to sketch out possible graphical options in the training.

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