Saturday, February 18, 2017

EDTECH 513 - Project #2: Static Multimedia Instruction

This week for EDTECH 513 we had to use Clarify-it software to create a static instructional piece.  I have completed instructional pieces previously using Microsoft Work and another screen capture took, but had not heard of Clarify-it before.
For my static instructional piece I decided to document how a learner would use Apple Photo to import, modify and export a photo.  It took me a little bit of time to figure out the key steps to document.  I didn't want to cover all of the modification options available, but instead to think about the main adjustments most learners would make to their photos.  These would be cropping a photo to focus on certain parts in an image, adjusting the color and contrast, and if they wanted to convert a color image to black and white.  Once I knew what I specifically wanted to cover I opened up Clarify-it, generated a new document and started taking screenshots.  I was pleasantly surprised at how easily this software works.  If is definitely a time saver compared to having to copy and past screenshots into a word document.  After capturing all of the screenshots for the steps, I started to add in the red outline boxes and arrows, and writing out the instructions for each step.  I then added in the numbers and corresponding numbers agains the arrows or boxes on the screenshots.
By including the written steps with the corresponding screenshot, this instruction demonstrates the multimedia principle.  Using text and graphics to explain the steps to be completed engages learners in active learning and enables them to create understanding from the material.  One of the things I liked about Clarify-it was that each image was placed on individual pages.  This enabled the text instructions to be on the same page as the related image.  This supports the contiguity principle, as learners do not have to scroll down the page or try to locate the text and the related image.

Link to Instructional Piece
Learning Objective: Using Apple Photo, learners will import, modify and export a photo.

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