Sunday, February 26, 2017

EDTECH 513: Project #3 Haiku Deck

This week for EDTECH 513 we had to create a presentation to be used in a live presentation using Haiku Deck.  

Link to: Haiku Deck

I chose to design a deck that could be used in a live orientation session for new employees on their first day.  The speaker would be someone from Human Resources or Learning and Development department.  There are certain activities that need to be completed in an employees first thirty days of employment. One of the most important requirements is the completion of compliance training courses that the company is legally required to have all employees complete.  The deck introduces briefly the other activities required but quickly moves on and focusses on the three compliance courses and why they need to be completed.

The purpose of Haiku Deck is to force the author to use less text on the screen and to focus on the main point of what is being talked about in the live session at that time.  This supports the multimedia principle by using words and an associated image to reinforce the content.   While the restriction on the amount of words is a good feature of this software, I found the limitation of not being able to place the text exactly on the image as desired frustrating.  If this program allowed users to move the text and even the graphics a little more this would have helped support the contiguity principle by aligning the image and text appropriate to reduce cognitive processing.  I also found it would've been good to be able to change the color of text in order to create greater contrast between the image and the text box.  Depending on your image the text sometimes looked a little lost and blended into the background.  This would increase the cognitive processing of a learner as they would have to strain to see the text on the slide.  Overall, though I think Haiku Deck is a great program for those new to creating presentations who need and user friendly program to pull together presentation decks.

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