Friday, October 30, 2015

EDTECH 506: Week 10 - Organization

For my unit of instruction I'm designing a program for new hires.  The program will help new hires to become acquainted with the company and learn about resources and the activities they need to complete within their first 30 days of employment.  Our new hires range from newly graduated students to senior business professionals from all cultures and backgrounds.

This week I created a step-by-step guide for our new hires to help them with finding in-person and online classes they can attend.  We have a learning portal located on our intranet that allows employees to filter and find classes depending on their region, timing and their level.  When designing this guide I tried to show the most basic steps to finding a class and keeping the chunking for each process to no more than seven to nine chunks of information (Lohr, 2008, p. 125).  It was a little challenging as there are two ways you can search for a class and so many options.  So making it comprehensive enough yet simple to remember really made me trim it down to the basic steps.

There are two ways to find a class, so I tried to use color to differentiate between the two options.  I used different colors for the title and steps for each of the ways you can approach finding a class.  Hoping this will draw the eye of the learner and help them to realize the steps that are part of each process (Lohr, 2008, p. 128).  I also used a template from a previous step-by-step guide that following the vertical alignment rule of arrangement for Western cultures so the text is on the left and the image on the right reinforces and shows the visual representation of the text.

My user feedback indicated that they thought the colors for each of the different processes was nice but that it didn't necessarily add to their recognition of purple meaning Keyword search, or teal meaning Category search.  I will interested to hear my classmate's feedback about this.

Lohr, L.L. (2008). Creating graphics for learning and performance: Lessons in visual literacy (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson

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