Tuesday, November 3, 2015

EDTECH506: Week 11 - Whitespace

My unit of instruction is designed to help new hires get to know the company and outline the items they need to complete within their first 30 days.  Our new hires range from newly graduated students to senior business professionals from all backgrounds and cultures.

The image I designed this week is a resources page, that once implemented will have hyperlinks to resources within our intranet.  When mapping out my design I wanted to have something int he middle of the image to anchor it.  I included my tree image from a previous week.  Using this as a base I chunked the four topic areas to the corners of the tree image, creating space between each to separate them (Lohr, 2008, p. 272).  I hope that by placing them in the corners of the image it still connects them to the image and extends the representation of the tree and growth.  
I also spaced the text and grey bars to be symmetrical to make the total image feel balanced (Lohr, 2008, p. 275).  The only item not symmetrical is the Collins Hutch logo, but I'm hoping it looks like a footer item and doesn't take away from the overall symmetry.  I've tried to ensure that all of the actual whitespace in the overall image is balanced and symmetrical.

The feedback I received was that this was nice and simple to understand.  They did suggest moving around the topic areas that had more text to be diagonal from each other.  I agreed with this and have made this update.

Lohr, L.L. (2008). Creating graphics for learning and performance: Lessons in visual literacy (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:Pearson.

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