Sunday, September 20, 2015

EDTECH 506: Week 4 - Typography


My final project for EDTECH 506 is to create a new hire program that will take new hires through the activities required to be completed within their first 30 days of employment.  Unfortunately I would not be able to use this in my current company as the Marketing department have strict guidelines regarding typography.  However, I could use some of these images in classroom training programs that allow for more creativity and could be used as part of an activity.
This first image displays some of the key themes in the unit of instruction.  The top right image reinforces the 30 day timeframe with the use of a clock webding as the zero.  For this image, and two of the other images, I've used sans serif fonts as the program will be administered via a computer.  Sans serif fonts are believed to be easier to read if used on a computer screen (pg. 232).
The image on the top left represents the lines of business the employee will learn about during this instruction.  I decided on this image over the previous one as it's a bit more cryptic which hopefully will prompt the employee to engage with this image as they try to figure out the meaning.  Again I used sans serif font, and underlined the words to reinforce the lines.  
The middle image represents compliance, as employees will need to complete all of the compliance training modules within the first 30 days.  The topic of compliance can have a negative connotation associated with it so I wanted to represent this with check marks to make it a little more positive.  I did use a serif font on this as my original idea was for a stamp that read compliance.  When I looked at stamp images a lot of them use serif fonts.  I wanted to soften the message though and used the check marks to hopefully accomplish this.
The bottom image represents the segments of the business the employee will learn about in the program.  I found this the easiest image to create as word art allowed for the transformation of the word easily into the shape of a segment.  Similar to the segment of a pie chart.  Again I chose a sans serif font so the text is more legible.  Depending on feedback I might make this more cryptic and change the text to be business so it represents the business segments.

Alternate Images

I had originally  designed these images but after receiving feedback decided not to use them in my final image.  The feedback I received for the Lines of Business was that it was too obvious.  

The feedback received on the compliance image was  that it was too negative and   portrayed the image that it was  constrained between the signs on each side.    Also the font was not  easily legible.

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