Friday, August 28, 2015

EDTECH 506 - Week 1

Week One

Create an image that represents you

This collection of images represents some of the things I cherish about life.  First of all I believe love is an important part of life and I've been lucky enough to be married to my husband for almost 8 years.  As with any relationship there are ebbs and flows, but what keeps any relationship alive is the love you have for each other.  
Second is family.  My family live across the other side of the world and it's the one that I miss the most about living in America.  My family makes me laugh and is always there for me when I need them.  My parents provided a great foundation for my character and now as I'm older I look back and notice that more and more I'm like them in many ways.  Family is the anchor of my life.  So wherever I am I will always have something to hold me and keep me centered.
While I'm not a real outdoorsy person, I do love to travel and experience new cultures and adventures.  There are still many locations on my bucket list, but I value traveling as I feel it's an investment in something that can profoundly change you.  Wherever we go we always bring back a magnet or a coffee mug so we have a physical reminder of where we've been.
Even though I love to travel, there is nothing quite as satisfying as coming home and being back in your own environment.  Your own bed, couch, kitchen, and space.  Back with friends and family and being around things that are familiar.  These are the things I value most in my life.

The colors and graphics I've chosen for this image are ones that I'm always drawn to.  I love the teal colors and the contrast against the chalkboard graphic.  I discovered the spiral in Fireworks and loved it instantly, because if I'm ever doodling I'm always drawing spirals and twirls.

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