Sunday, May 4, 2014

School/Business Evaluation Summary

Our last assignment for EDTECH 501 was to rate a school or business based on the Technology Maturity Model.  Because I'm not based in a school, the thought of trying to apply this to a business setting initially seemed overwhelming.  However, as I learned more about the Technology Maturity Model I realized, as with many concepts in this program, they also can be applied to a business setting.

Center Square is ranked overall in the Intelligent level of technology integration, mainly because technology is used as part of the day-to-day work of its employees.  While technology is accessible to all employees that doesn't always translate into utilization of the technology.  Training employees to better utilize and have adequate access to technology already within the company is a challenge that Center Square needs to address.
Because of Center Square's large employee population, innovative technologies cannot be implemented easily.    This creates a barrier for our employees who are trying to deliver innovative and creative solutions to our clients.

I found this project interesting and challenging as I initially thought Center Square would rank as Integrated.  However, after going through the matrix with some of my colleagues I realized that while we still have some way to go in our use of technology, we are more technologically integrated than I had thought.  We are lacking in areas of training and innovation, however, these areas we are actively addressing and hope to improve on in the coming years.  In five years time it would be helpful to perform this analysis again to see if our ranking has improved, especially in some of the behavioral areas.

School/Business Evaluation Summary
Maturity Benchmarks Survey

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