Friday, April 11, 2014

Digital Inequality

Digital Divide and Digital Inequality

Our assignment this week was to look at our school or workplace and identity three areas of digital divide and digital inequality.
Working at a company where everyone is issued a computer, it was a challenge to identify any digital divide, however, identifying digital inequality was quite easy.  We have just finished rolling out our annual compliance training globally so there were many examples fresh in my mind.  Having learners with slow internet connections, and accessing the online trainings via tablets really highlighted the digital inequality in our company.
So while we had been living with digital inequality in our workplace, we had not attached the label to the issues we faced and weren't aware of other possible factors that impact digital inequality.
This assignment has made me more aware of those factors and has prompted me to start  brainstorming with my colleagues on how we design our training initiatives and mitigate or reduce the digital inequality we have experienced recently.

The presentation below outlines the three areas of digital divide we experienced during our training roll out and constitutes a lessons learned document that we can use as part of our project debriefs.

Click here to access the presentation.